Visiting Frida
As you may know, Frida Kahlo is one of my favourite artists of all time. Well, last month I made a point of going to Sydney to see the Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera art exhibition at the Art Gallery of New South Wales. Unfortunately Sydney was the only city in Australia hosting the exhibition, so off I went!
What a fantastic exhibition! It included 33 artworks (paintings and drawings) from the private collection of Natasha Gelman, along with photographs and videos of both artists which really provided an insight into their intriguing relationship. It was simply amazing to be able to get up close and personal with paintings I’ve only seen in books and on the internet. To see brush strokes, and true colours, and true size, AND frames!
The photograph of Frida in her studio fascinated me. It’s so different to mine. Which made me realise how personal studios really are to artists. I am fortunate to be lucky enough to have my own studio and in it I have things I need (paints, paper, computer, radio (yep, I’m still old-school!), a heater to keep me warm, and a big window; and things I love (some stuffed toys, favourite paintings, my cat, my painting stuff – yes, I need AND love it, a view of regular bird visitors, and music – yes, I need AND love that too)!
When I left the exhibition I visited the gallery shop and sure enough there were souvenirs and lots of arty things to buy. And of course lots of Frida Kahlo-themed items like books, jewellery, prints, postcards, aprons, oven mitts, pocket mirrors, bags, even a blow up cactus! I thought about buying a set of pillow cases but at $89 for the pair I changed my mind quickly! After all, it wasn’t original art by Frida, was it? It’s easy to get caught up in all the hype! Just quietly, I did get a fridge magnet though. Sssshhh!
So, I have now seen some of Frida’s original work – I can tick that off my bucket list! What’s next? Visit her home in Mexico, of course!

Me with Frida Kahlo’s “Self Portrait with Monkeys painted in 1943

Photo of Frida Kahlo in her studio

At the entrance to the exhibition